Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Growing so fast!

Here is another slideshow of Natalie from April. Remember to press play on the slideshow and you have to move the mouse every once in a while for the captions to stay on. Enjoy!! (Please feel free to leave a commment if you want, I'm beginning to think the only people that read this blog are Kerri, Christi, & Missy :) Thanks Girls!

April Pictures
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Well, April flew by and we are already in May and one month away from Natalie's first birthday. We cannot believe it. We are having such a hard time believing that it will ever get better than it is now. My friend Donna that I taught with assures me that it just keeps getting better and better with every age. James and I have so many conversations where we think this is the best it's ever going to get, we just love her so much in this stage. We think she's the cutest and most fun now. I have to believe Donna that it just keeps getting better and if that's the case (which I'm sure it is) then we are in for so much joy and excitement. One new bit of news is that we are pretty sure that Natalie did her first sign language back to us. I've been doing it with her since January and was beginning to wonder if she would EVER respond and I think she did. We are teaching her the sign for please. We ask her if she wants more food or water or milk and do the sign along with it. If she reaches for it then we say "say please" and do the sign for please and then take her hand and make her do it. Well, on Monday night she did it ALL BY HERSELF!! We erupted in "YEAHHH" and laughed and clapped. She looked at us and laughed back. I immediately said, "I don't think she did that on purpose" and much to our surprise she did it AGAIN. I still wasn't convinced but then she did it 2 times during lunch on Tuesday, once at dinner last night and twice during breakfast this morning. I can't tell you how excited I am. 4 months of doing the signs and she finally did one back. I still get very excited when she does it and she always laughs back, it's so cute. Well, that's about it from the Chalmers' household. Enjoy your spring days!