Friday, January 12, 2007

First Tooth

Well, Natalie is officially seven months old and finally got her first tooth. I didn't even know she was getting one because she wasn't fussy then she put my finger in her mouth and I felt it!! Wow, big day. It doesn't seem possible that she can have teeth already. She is moving around so much. I took her up to Liberty (the school I taught at) to visit some friends and she was doing her version of crawling all around the floor. She sees an object she wants, puts her hands out in front of her and then pulls her whole body while it drags on the floor. We call it the "reach and drag." It's so cute. There's one thing that happens all the time now that she's doing the dragging thing that wouldn't happen if she crawled on all fours (she still gets up and rocks back and forth and takes one or two crawls and then falls, she prefers the reach and drag because it's much quicker). She is in the 10th percentile for weight which means that 90% of babies her age are bigger than her. Yeah, she's a little peanut. On the flip side she is in the 90th percentile for height, meaning she is taller than 90% of babies her age. So, this presents a problem for clothes, if they fit her waist they are way to short and if they fit her length they are way to big. So, when she does the reach and drag she eventually loses her pants. She drags herself right out of them. It is so funny, pretty soon, Natalie has no pants on and she's all the way across the room. Well, that's about all from the Chalmers' household. Perfect timing too because Natalie just woke up and it's time to feed her. Take Care everyone.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Wow! Good for her that she didn't fuss with her tooth at all...she must have James' hard-core hockey tolerance for pain. =) (Not to mention her mommy's marathon natural childbirth pain tolerance!)

So cute that she crawls out of her pants. I would love to see that! =)