Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Favorite Day of the Year!!!

Yipeee!! I experienced my favorite day of the year today. I look forward to this day all summer long, waking up to 50* weather, puting on my sweatshirt, warm socks, and Birckenstocks!! I can't explain how rejuvinated I feel. Natalie and I were all comfy and warm as we went out this morning. Fall is here and summer is over!!! YIPEEE!!!!! I love the cool, fresh, crisp breeze coming in the windows. My ideal place to live would be a place where Fall could last for 5 months, Winter for 2 1/2, Spring for 3, and Summer for 1 1/2. Now that sounds Glorious!

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Sounds glorious to me, too! I love fall and it is beautiful here, too, but it will probably warm back up a little bit more before it settles in here. But, I am enjoying it while I can! =) (I just wish my allergies weren't so bad!)