Here are a couple of pictures from our trip to Alaska. We had a great time and the kids did great here with Nana and Papa. It is so beautiful up there. Also, a couple of pics of the kiddos during their stay with Nana & Papa.

We went on a rafting trip down the Kenai River while we were in Alaska. We saw 2 black bears and a grizzly bear in the water eating a fish. It was so amazing and beautiful. Here is the best picture of the grizzly bear, we were probably only 40 yards away from it.

Look at the background in this picture. I love it up there.

My brother, Chaed and his new wife Kari, had a beautiful wedding. It was at the Alaska Heavenly Lodge and we enjoyed our time so much. Thanks so much Chaed & Kari, we had a great time. Here's a couple of pictures of the family, for those of you who don't know, it's me, Chawndell, Chaed, Dawn and my mom in the front. I have some great pictures of Chaed & Kari during their wedding on our other camera but it's new and I have no idea how to get them on our computer, James will have to do that and then I'll post them.

Unfortunately, James and I got the stomach flu when we got to Alaska, YUCK. I was in bed with the curtains shut for 36 hours and couldn't even turn the TV on because my head hurt so bad. My hips actually started to hurt because I couldn't lay any other way than on my side because it hurt my stomach so bad. That's no good. James got over his much quicker and when we called home, Natalie, Nana, & Papa got it too. The only one to avoid it was Michael. Here's James and I, after we recovered, at the wedding.

Hello Victoria!
Just looked through your blog what cuties you have! Can't believe how much Michael has grown. It's gone so fast. I tried to email you this morning but have your old email address at ops. Can you email me so I can get your new address OR I can ask Christi for it to. Just had a couple of questions for you! :)
Talk to you soon.
michele wilmer
Cute family pic on the top! That bear picture is amazing!
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