Wow, where to I begin. It's been 3 months since my last post so there is so much to talk about. Sorry, this is probably going to be a long post with a couple of different slideshow pictures. I guess I'll start by saying that things are going great. I am loving being home with my 2 kiddos every day. We are busy and active and I love it. We also have days where we stay home and hang out only with eachother and I love that too. It's funny how every day as a stay at home mom is different. There are those random days I wake up and from minute 3 things just aren't going well. I had one of those days about a month ago. It was just one thing after another and things were dropping, spilling, breaking, and I felt like I was treading to stay above water. Both kiddos were crying and all I was looking forward to was 9:30 when I was leaving home to go spend time at Neale Woods with some friends. Well, I couldn't find my keys, of course. I ended up canceling and found my keys 4 hours later, on the kitchen counter under my diaper bag. So many things happened that day that were frustrating and I laid down exhausted that night, telling myself that tomorrow would be a better day.
What could be more fun than James surprising me for our anniversary with a night out on the town with the car we drove on our wedding night.
The next day I woke up and it was a much better day. It was actually one of my favorite days so far this summer. Michael was up early so I was able to spend about an hour with him by myself and that was such a sweet time. We coooed at eachother and laughed and smiled and both loved it. He went down for a nap that ended up lasting 4 hours and Natalie and I headed outside. Every day we get our breakfast and head out to the front porch to eat. This particular morning was trash day and street cleaning day. We watched the garbage trucks come by, watched the street sweeper and ate our breakfast. Then it started pouring rain. I got her boots and she played out in the rain and in the puddles forever. She loved it and I loved watching her. I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. Those lazy mornings that we spend together every day just enjoying conversation fit for a 2 year old. It's funny how I don't remember every detail of the "not so good" day but I remember every detail of the next. The worst day at home (the days where Natalie comes upstairs with blue magic marker and you find it all over furniture and stairs) is still better than my best days I spent teaching, and I LOVED teaching, I just love spending every day with Natalie and Michael even more. The things they do every day just melt my heart and make it swell with so much love.

I love watching Natalie with Michael, telling him "Good Morning", helping me change every one of his diapers, giving him his bottle if he's crying, and always reminding me that we have to take Michael whenever we leave the house. I love watching Michael interact with Natalie. I'll watch them when I'm driving and they are looking at each other, Natalie's talking to him and he is smiling from ear to ear. It's so incredible how they already have such a strong connection and they've only known each other for 3 1/2 months. If James takes Natalie on a bike ride or anywhere, the first thing she says when she gets in the door is "Myny go" (the way she says "Michael go").
She is talking so much now, it's crazy how she picks up on things so quickly. She loves running around, playing with her golf clubs, playing in water, riding her tricylce, jumping off anything, and going on walks. Michael is rolling over now from his tummy to his back, eating like a monster, and sleeping like a champ. He's so incredibly laid back and chill and smiles and laughs all the time. He's also a good cuddler which I love because Natalie was never that way.
Here's Natalie, James is already making her a proud 1/2 Canadian

Gardening and Camping
Well, we planted a great garden on Memorial Day Weekend. It was so much fun. Natalie played in the dirt and did her 2 year old version of gardening. I planted 12 tomato plants, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, green bell peppers, red bell peppers, bannana and chili peppers, beets, white and green onions. Natalie and I would go weed and water the garden every day. I would pull the weeds out and Natalie would throw them back in, not understanding why I was taking them out. I had told myself that I wasn't going to have a perfect garden because I was doing it with 2 kids and she was a part of it every day so that was okay with me. It was just so much fun spending that time working together. She would have her little watering can and shovel and work away. Then, Friday, we were pummeled with a storm. We had drifts of hail a foot deep in our yard and needless to say, my garden was destroyed. I was so bummed. James said it looks like someone took a weed wacker to it and then picked up all the weeds, there is absolutely nothing remaining. My tomato plants were up to my waist and so full and in a matter of 10 minutes it was gone. Natalie looked at it and said "uh oh mommy." I guess we'll have to try again next year and hope that the 80-90 MPH wind holds off and there aren't any hail blizzards. I was more bummed about my garden than the part of our ceiling that fell in, our car that has hail damage galore, all of our plants and flowers that we have planted, our roof and siding that has damage and who knows what else, the insurance guy is coming on Friday and we'll know more then. In the midst of all the chaos and the ceiling falling, scaring Natalie, and water pouring in I wasn't able to get anyone in the basement and Michael stayed sound asleep upstairs. James and I were hit with the reality that we cannot get too attached to the things of this world because they aren't what matter anyways. It seems God was teaching us a little lesson to not hold on tightly to the things we have because they are not the things that matter. So many people had way more damage than us, we have a lot to be thankful for.
We've also gone on a couple of wonderful camping trips this summer. They were both at new places and they were beautiful. Camping is definitely my favorite thing to do together as a family. It's so peaceful and relaxing. The second child definitely gets the shaft when it comes to "protection." When we went camping with Natalie when she was 10 weeks old she would hang out in the pack-n-play outside with a bug net over her. Michael was just on the ground on a blanket and enjoying life. Both kids did great sleeping and playing and I love nothing more than Natalie being covered in dirt from head to toe. Natalie was drinking a glass of water and actually gave Michael a drink by dumping the whole thing on his face. I heard him gurgling and all he did was let out a little grunt and was fine, he is so incredibly adaptable and not bothered by much.
What could be more fun than James surprising me for our anniversary with a night out on the town with the car we drove on our wedding night.
The next day I woke up and it was a much better day. It was actually one of my favorite days so far this summer. Michael was up early so I was able to spend about an hour with him by myself and that was such a sweet time. We coooed at eachother and laughed and smiled and both loved it. He went down for a nap that ended up lasting 4 hours and Natalie and I headed outside. Every day we get our breakfast and head out to the front porch to eat. This particular morning was trash day and street cleaning day. We watched the garbage trucks come by, watched the street sweeper and ate our breakfast. Then it started pouring rain. I got her boots and she played out in the rain and in the puddles forever. She loved it and I loved watching her. I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. Those lazy mornings that we spend together every day just enjoying conversation fit for a 2 year old. It's funny how I don't remember every detail of the "not so good" day but I remember every detail of the next. The worst day at home (the days where Natalie comes upstairs with blue magic marker and you find it all over furniture and stairs) is still better than my best days I spent teaching, and I LOVED teaching, I just love spending every day with Natalie and Michael even more. The things they do every day just melt my heart and make it swell with so much love.
I love watching Natalie with Michael, telling him "Good Morning", helping me change every one of his diapers, giving him his bottle if he's crying, and always reminding me that we have to take Michael whenever we leave the house. I love watching Michael interact with Natalie. I'll watch them when I'm driving and they are looking at each other, Natalie's talking to him and he is smiling from ear to ear. It's so incredible how they already have such a strong connection and they've only known each other for 3 1/2 months. If James takes Natalie on a bike ride or anywhere, the first thing she says when she gets in the door is "Myny go" (the way she says "Michael go").
Here's Natalie, James is already making her a proud 1/2 Canadian
Gardening and Camping
Well, we planted a great garden on Memorial Day Weekend. It was so much fun. Natalie played in the dirt and did her 2 year old version of gardening. I planted 12 tomato plants, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, green bell peppers, red bell peppers, bannana and chili peppers, beets, white and green onions. Natalie and I would go weed and water the garden every day. I would pull the weeds out and Natalie would throw them back in, not understanding why I was taking them out. I had told myself that I wasn't going to have a perfect garden because I was doing it with 2 kids and she was a part of it every day so that was okay with me. It was just so much fun spending that time working together. She would have her little watering can and shovel and work away. Then, Friday, we were pummeled with a storm. We had drifts of hail a foot deep in our yard and needless to say, my garden was destroyed. I was so bummed. James said it looks like someone took a weed wacker to it and then picked up all the weeds, there is absolutely nothing remaining. My tomato plants were up to my waist and so full and in a matter of 10 minutes it was gone. Natalie looked at it and said "uh oh mommy." I guess we'll have to try again next year and hope that the 80-90 MPH wind holds off and there aren't any hail blizzards. I was more bummed about my garden than the part of our ceiling that fell in, our car that has hail damage galore, all of our plants and flowers that we have planted, our roof and siding that has damage and who knows what else, the insurance guy is coming on Friday and we'll know more then. In the midst of all the chaos and the ceiling falling, scaring Natalie, and water pouring in I wasn't able to get anyone in the basement and Michael stayed sound asleep upstairs. James and I were hit with the reality that we cannot get too attached to the things of this world because they aren't what matter anyways. It seems God was teaching us a little lesson to not hold on tightly to the things we have because they are not the things that matter. So many people had way more damage than us, we have a lot to be thankful for.
Here is a little slideshow of some of the things that happened to our house and neighborhood during the storm.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
We've also gone on a couple of wonderful camping trips this summer. They were both at new places and they were beautiful. Camping is definitely my favorite thing to do together as a family. It's so peaceful and relaxing. The second child definitely gets the shaft when it comes to "protection." When we went camping with Natalie when she was 10 weeks old she would hang out in the pack-n-play outside with a bug net over her. Michael was just on the ground on a blanket and enjoying life. Both kids did great sleeping and playing and I love nothing more than Natalie being covered in dirt from head to toe. Natalie was drinking a glass of water and actually gave Michael a drink by dumping the whole thing on his face. I heard him gurgling and all he did was let out a little grunt and was fine, he is so incredibly adaptable and not bothered by much.
Here is a slideshow with random pictures from the last 3 months. Make sure you press play and you can adjust how quickly the pictures slide through. Also, for some reason, you have to keep moving your mouse over the pictures for the headings to remain on.
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Well, there you have it, a little picture of what the last 3 months have been like for the Chalmers Family. We have a great time together and we're trying to cherish every moment. Hope you are all doing well.
Besides the storm, I think your summer sounds pretty AWESOME! I love all the pictures of the kids they are so cute. What fun stories to hear about.
Wow, that storm looked crazy! Great pictures of the kids and all of your recent trips! Thanks for sharing!
Glad you guys are okay. I was with my brother this weekend (the one who's in Omaha this summer) and he said the storm was crazy! Your weather has been nuts this year!
I'm sorry about your garden...what a bummer! But at least now you know you can do it as long as the weather cooperates. =) Maybe next year....
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